Waste Management Development Control Code

The ACT Government is implementing a strategy that aims to maximise resource recovery and minimise waste disposal. With increased building activity occurring within the ACT, sustainable waste management solutions are needed.

The Development Control Code for Best Practice Waste Management in the ACT 2019 (PDF 4.4MB) and Waste and Recycling Management Plan (Editable PDF 1.6MB) directs development professionals on how to incorporate best practice waste management principles and requirements into the design, construction and operation of new developments. This Code replaces the 2016 version of the Code (PDF 6.7MB).

To assist applicants in calculating waste and recycling allocations, please see the Allocation Calculator (Excel 61KB)

To facilitate a transition to the new Code, development applications based around the requirements of the 2016 code will be accepted until Friday, 3 May 2019. While either the 2016 or 2019 Code may be used, the Code selected must be used in its entirety.

Any proposed deviation from the requirements of this Development Control Code must be approved in writing by Place Coordination prior to the submission of a Development Application.

From February 2019, green waste bins are mandatory for new developments.