
Development Coordination Branch, Transport Canberra and City Services (TCCS) encourages meetings with project proponents at the early stages of the planning process. This ensures that potential problems are identified upfront and managed effectively to save proponents time and money. This also means that the Development Coordination Branch can assess Development Applications and subsequent submissions quickly and efficiently.

The purpose of pre-submission meetings is to discuss and to receive feedback on issues that are not covered by or, are a variation to the current standards, guidelines and specifications.

Request a meeting

Applicants can request a meeting with the Development Coordination Branch by sending an email outlining

  • The project location, including Suburb, Section & Block
  • The proposed project including associated landuse and any known delivery timings
  • A list of project specific issues with proposed solutions
  • Sketch plans, including existing and proposed site plans showing connectivity to the existing transport network.
  • Any information about other agreements and negotiations with other TCCS business units or other ACT Government agencies.

Meeting Coordination

Once the above information has been provided, Development Coordination Branch will:

  • Propose a meeting date, ensuring appropriate time for preparation
  • Consult with other TCCS teams prior to the meeting.

After the meeting

  • Minutes and actions of the meeting will be circulated to all attendees
  • All parties must complete outstanding actions in accordance with the minutes
  • The Development Coordination team and applicant me

Contact us

Please contact us via email if you have any questions.

Last updated 01 Mar 2024