Waste transporters and facilities

Waste transporter and facilities blue and cream banner

Waste management in the ACT

Management of waste in the ACT falls under the Waste Management and Resource Recovery Act 2016 (the Waste Act).

The aim of the Waste Act is to maximise recycling and reuse and minimise waste. It also aims to encourage investment, innovation and best practice in the ACT waste industry.

What is waste?

Any substance that is unwanted, abandoned or thrown away is waste. Exact definitions can be found in the Waste Act.

Under the Waste Act:

Operating a waste facility or transporting waste in the ACT without a licence or registration can result in significant penalties.

Am I a waste management business?

If you provide a service relating to the handling of waste, including the transport or storage of waste which is not generated by your business, it is likely that you will need a Waste Facility Licence or Waste Transporter Registration.

Businesses in the ACT that provide services such as storing, recycling or recovering waste are considered a waste facility and require a Waste Facility Licence.

Businesses that provide services relating to transporting waste from demolition or construction sites, or commercial or residential properties require a Waste Transporter Registration.

Businesses that provide other services in addition to waste handling are still required to be licenced or registered in the ACT. If you are unsure if you are a waste management business, please contact TCCS NoWaste Waste Regulation for advice.


ACT NoWaste works with the community and waste industry to improve waste and recycling rates, with the goal of diverting 90% of the ACT’s waste from landfill by 2025. To develop strategies for best practice in waste management, the Waste Regulation team monitors the types and volumes of waste generated in the ACT.

Licensed waste facilities are required to report their waste activities to the ACT Government on a quarterly basis. You can complete waste activity reports online via the Waste facilities and transporters portal.

All reference materials for the waste facilities and transporters portal can be found below.

If you have any queries about the waste activity reporting program, email the Regulatory Reporting team at TCCS.NWWasteReporting@act.gov.au.

Waste facilities and transporters portal reference material



Compliance and accountability documents

These documents provide information about the general principles for compliance and enforcement activities undertaken by Waste Regulation to support the ACT Government’s waste management and resource recovery objectives.

Want to find out more?

Email the Waste Regulation Team at tccs.wasteregulation@act.gov.au or call 02 6207 7845

Waste sorted: Everyday climate choices. Click on the image to view the main recycling and waste page