Recycling Right bin tagging trial

Recycling bin tagging sorted

The ACT Government has lifting the lid on household recycling to understand recycling habits.

Through the Recycle Right bin tagging trial in March 2022, feedback was given to households through bin tags to help improve recycling in the ACT and reduce contamination into the recycling stream.

Contamination significantly impacts the effectiveness of recycling, with Canberra residents putting the wrong things in their recycling bin almost 20% of the time.

By recycling right, we can increase resource recovery, reduce waste to landfill and create a more sustainable city.

Photo of bin with the 'thank you' tag

What you need to do

If you receive a bin tag, your household has been selected to participate in the recycling trial. Please read the tag, share it with your household and follow the instructions provided. You will also receive a brochure in your letterbox with a simple recycling guide you can put on the fridge.

Recycling systems have changed in recent years, so now is a good time to update your knowledge.

To learn more, please refer to the frequently asked questions below or try one of the following:

What is recycling bin contamination?

When non-recyclable items are put in the recycling bin, they make it more difficult to sort at the Materials Recycling Facility. This is called contamination.

The wrong items cause safety issues for staff, damage the machinery and contaminate the other recyclable materials. This lowers the quality of the recycling and makes it more difficult to process and sell the materials collected.

Frequently asked questions

Why did I get chosen to be part of this trial?

The trial areas chosen were designed to ensure an appropriate representation across Canberra suburbs.

Households in the trial should not be inconvenienced in any way by being part of the trial. Please call Access Canberra on 13 22 81 or email if you have concerns or questions.

What is recycling bin contamination?

When non-recyclable items are put in the recycling bin, they make it more difficult to sort at the Materials Recycling Facility. This is called contamination.

The wrong items cause safety issues for staff, damage the machinery and contaminate the other recyclable materials. This lowers the quality of the recycling and makes it more difficult to process and sell the materials collected.

Are the recycling bin inspections COVID safe?

The recycling bin inspectors conducting the bin checks have completed the Australian Government’s COVID-19 Infection Control Training course and adhere to current ACT Health guidelines by wearing appropriate protective equipment including gloves and masks, using disinfectant on any equipment used, and minimising touching of bins.

Do the recycling educators come on to my property and rummage through my bins?

The recycling educators are from Envirocom Australia – a company which provides specialised waste education services. They only look inside bins that have been placed on the kerb for collection. They will conduct inspections on regular fortnightly recycling bin collection days between 6:30am and 9.30am.

They do not rummage through bins; they only observe material they can see. The bin inspectors carry a letter of authorisation from the ACT Government. You can ask to see it if you are unsure of what they are doing.

What do the tags mean?

The tags are designed to give feedback to ACT residents about the contents of their recycling bins. If a recycling bin is free from contamination, the tag will let you know you are recycling right.  If incorrect items are observed in the bin, the tag will identify those incorrect items.

Residents who are part of the trial are encouraged to check their mailbox for a simple recycling guide which can be hung on the fridge to let the whole household know how to recycle right.

Photo of bin with the star rating tag

Will I be fined or penalised if my bin is contaminated?

No, the inspection trial is for education purposes only. Your recycling bin will still be collected as normal. The ACT Government is running the trial to encourage better recycling and learn about current recycling behaviours in the ACT.

Waste sorted: Everyday climate choices. Click on the image to view the main recycling and waste page