Policy for business and community service signs

This policy covers fingerboard signs, provided underneath street name signs, to advise motorists of business and community service locations.

The policy for business and community service signs is as follows:

  1. Service signs will only be provided where the particular business or service is in a location which would not normally be anticipated. Town Centres, shopping malls, local shopping centres and industrial areas have been assumed to cater for the majority of services and these services will not be individually signposted.
  2. The street address of applicants must have a visible sign for drivers to identify the business after following the service sign towards the facility. Approval cannot be granted until a visible sign has been provided at the address.
  3. The service will be entitled to signposting from its address road to the intersection with the road that is the next level up on the road hierarchy.
  4. The maximum number of signs permitted per single destination is three, depending on the road hierarchy.
  5. To encourage consistency and avoid proliferation, wording is usually black letters on a white background with no logos allowed.
  6. For better legibility the number of signs on a pole is limited to five at any leg of an intersection, one of which is the street name.
  7. Signs for commercial businesses will be considered in special circumstances on a first-come first served basis at the expense of the organisation. If approved, applicants are provided with details of sign manufacturers.
  8. If a commercial sign becomes damaged or faded, it will be the responsibility of the business to contact TCCS and arrange for the replacement of the sign at the cost of the organisation.
  9. Signs for community services are approved and erected under the TCCS Minor New Works program. They are also maintained under the maintenance program. See the list of eligible community services .
  10. Priority is given to community over commercial signs.

List of community services