Bumps and berms

The Bumps and Berms Volunteer Program is a way for the community to add additional play value to neighbourhood spaces across Canberra by designing and creating dirt bike tracks. These tracks are typically short, with features such as jumps and ramps (bumps) and banked turns (berms).

Community-built tracks must be designed and constructed in collaboration with the ACT Government to meet safety and maintenance requirements.

Track location

If you would like to build a dirt bike track in your neighbourhood, you’ll need to consider factors such as the landscape and track alignment. Your track must be safe, fun, and complement the existing public space.

Learn more in our first fact sheet Finding a suitable site (PDF 238.3 KB).

Once you’ve found a location you’d like to build a dirt bike track, please contact tccs.bumpsandberms@act.gov.au and we’ll assess the site.

Track design

If we’ve assessed your site as suitable, you can start designing your track concept plan. You’ll need to provide us with a site map and proposed design.

A description of how your track will be maintained will strengthen your application. You will also need to demonstrate community support for your proposal.

Learn more in our fact sheet Planning considerations (PDF 326.3 KB).

Building your track

You’ll need to register as a volunteer to commence construction of your approved track. This includes signing a volunteer agreement detailing the roles and responsibilities of all parties, including the ACT Government.

Learn more in our fact sheet Building your track (PDF 408.1 KB).

Kid on bike on dirt path

Contact us

For further information email tccs.bumpsandberms@act.gov.au
