Bin repair

The bin repair form is used to request the repair or replacement of a damaged residential garbage, recycling or garden organics (green bin) currently serviced by the ACT Government. Bin repair or replacement is free of charge.

Use this form if your bin has a:

The bin will be repaired or replaced within 5 working days from the approval of this form.

Important: Your damaged bin must be placed on the kerb by 7am on the day after you submit this form and left on the kerb until the repair is complete. Our contractor is not allowed to cross the property boundary line and retrieve the damaged bin from your carport, garage, behind gates or fences or any other area of your property.


If you would prefer to lodge a bin repair/replacement request over the phone, or if you require assistance using this form, please contact Access Canberra on 13 22 81. A quick reference guide is also available to help you complete this form.

For details on the personal information collected by ACT NoWaste, please refer to the City Services Privacy Policy.